1.Which Waze Offering Is A Data Exchange Program In An
Effort To Form Partnerships With Local Governments Around The World?
- Waze Carpool
- Connected Citizens Program
- Waze Ads
- Waze for Brands
2. Waze Is A _____ Movement Company, With The Power To Move
People To You.
- Car
- Traffic
- Human
3. Passing The “Toothbrush Test” Means
That Drivers Use Waze ____ Times Per Day.
- 1
- 2
- 1.5
- 0
4. In The U.S., On Which Of The Following
Popular Branding Platforms Do People Spend The Most In-App Time Per Month, On
- Waze
- Snapchat
5. What Type Of Additional Support Do
Preferred Partners Receive?
- Client acquisition support
- Training materials
- Dedicated Account Manager
- All of these
6. Pricing For Plus Starts At $____/Day?
- $1,000
- $500
- $169
- $400
7. Which Solution Is Meant For Businesses
With 1 To 10 Locations?
- Brands
- Starter
- Plus
- None of these
8. In 2017, Ads On Waze Generated How
Many Navigations To Local Businesses Around The World?
- 4 million
- 10 million
- 14 million
- 24 million
9. Is There A Minimum Investment To
Become Certified?
- Yes
- No, but Fundamentals Certification is required
- No, but Advanced Certification is required
- None of these
10. Pricing For Waze Ads Is Based Upon
What Type Of Model?
- Flat rate
- Yearly subscription
- Monthly budget
11. In The U.S., Wazers With How Many
People In Their Household Make Up 65% Of Overall Users?
- 0
- 1
- 2 to 4
- 5 to 10
12. What Business Information Does A
Branded Pin Provide When A User Clicks On The Info Button?
- Business locations and store hours
- Phone number and special deals
- Store hours and phone number
- Business location, store hours, phone numbers, and special deals.
13. What Do All Three Ad Formats Help
Businesses Achieve?
- Differentiation from similar businesses in their area
- Improved location awareness
- Increased navigations to their locations and in-store traffic
- All of these
14. What Can Advertising On Waze Local
Help Businesses Of All Sizes Achieve?
- Raise their profile
- Increase location awareness
- Drive in-store traffic by turning their location into a destination
- All of these
15. Which Waze Partner Program Service
Level Requires Waze Ads Advanced Certification And A Minimum Quarterly
- Waze Certified
- Preferred Partner
- Both
- Neither
16. In The U.S., Nearly Half (46%) Of All
Waze Users Have A Yearly Household Income Of What Amount (USD)?
- $50K or less
- $75K
- $90k
- $100K or more
17. What Do Waze Ads Include That
Traditional OOH, Billboards, And Other Ad Platforms Lack?
- Business name and logo
- Business address
- Critical targeting and measurement capabilities to interact directly with drivers in motion and turn your location into a destination
- Business phone number
18. Which Ad Formats Does The Plus
Solution Offer?
- Branded Pins and Promoted Search
- Zero-Speed Takeover
- All of these
- None of these
19. If You Plan To Spend Less Than
$169/Day, Which Solution Is Most Suitable For Your Business?
- Starter
- Plus
- Brands
- None of these
20. Waze Uses Insights To Effectively
Target Drivers _____?
- When they are at work
- When they are at home
- When they are near your business or visiting your competitors
- When they are not using Waze
21. What Is The Most Recent Waze Offering?
- Connected Citizens Program
- Waze Ads
- Waze Carpool
- None of these
22. In The U.S., Almost ⅓ Of The Wazers
You Reach On Waze Live Within How Many Miles / Km Of Your Business?
- 6 / 10
- 10 / 16
- 12 / 19
- 15 / 24
23. How Many People Use Waze Around The
World Each Month?
- 20 million
- 50 million
- 75 million
- > 110 million
24. How Many Crowdsourced Reports On
Routes And Road Conditions Does Waze Receive Each Month?
- 10 million
- 13 million
- 27 million
- 53 million
25. Name The Level(S) Of The Waze Partner
- Certified
- Partner
- Certified and Preferred Partner
- Waze Local Partner
26. How Does The Waze Dashboard Define The
Navigations Performance Metric?
- The number of Wazers who search for your business
- The number of Waze users who click “Drive There” from an ad unit and then “Go” from the Location Preview screen
- The number of Wazers who see your ad
- The number of Wazers who click on your phone number
27. What Additional Features Are In The
Plus Dashboard?
- Ad Downloads
- Inbox Impressions
- Inbox Action Clicks
- All of these
28. Which Agency Partner Service Level
Requires Advanced Certification And A Minimum Quarterly Investment?
- Waze Certified Partner
- Waze Preferred Partner
- Both
- Neither
29. More Than What Percentage Of Drivers
Using Waze Are Between 25 And 54 Years Old?
- 25%
- 50%
- 75%
- 99%
30. On Which Of The Following Popular
Branding Platforms Do People Spend The Most In-App Time Per Month, On Average?
- Waze
- Snapchat
31. On Which Platform Can Small And
Medium-Sized Businesses Or National Brands Seeking Localized Campaigns
- Waze for Brands
- Waze Local
- Waze Ads
- None of these
32. What Is The Newest Waze
Offering?Connected Citizens Program
- Waze for Brands
- Waze Local
- Waze Carpool
33. Pricing For Both Starter And Plus Is
Based Upon What Type Of Model?
- Flat rate
- Yearly subscription
- Monthly fee
34. Pricing For Waze Local Starter Begins
At As Little As $ ____/Day, While Waze Local Plus Starts At $____/Day?
- $10 / $1,000
- $100 / $500
- $2 / $100
- $1/$500
35. Insights And Data Allow Waze Local To
Effectively Target Drivers By Knowing What?
- When drivers are visiting your competitors
- When drivers are near your business
- When drivers are near your business or visiting your competitors.
- When drivers are at home or work
36. Nearly Half (46%) Of All Waze Users
Have A Yearly Household Income Of What Amount?
- $50K or less
- $75K
- $90k
- $100K or more
37. How Many Hours Per Month Do Wazers
Average On The App?2
- 5
- 6
- 10.5
38. Name The Level(S) Of Waze Agency
- Certified Partner
- Preferred Partner
- Certified Partner and Preferred Partner
- Waze Local Partner
39. What Do All Three Ad Formats Help
Small And Medium-Sized Businesses Or National Brands Seeking Localized
Campaigns Achieve?
- Differentiation from similar businesses in their area
- Improved location awareness
- Increased navigations to their locations and in-store traffic
- All of these
40. In 2017, More Than ______ Drivers
Visited Local Businesses In The U.S. Advertising On Waze?
- 0.3 million
- 1.3 million
- 2.3 million
- 3.3 million
41. What Does Promoted Search Offer?
- Priority in drivers’ search results
- Business name, logo, and address
- All of these
- None of these
42. How Are Waze Routes Developed To Be As
Efficient As Possible?
- Crowd-sourcing
- Collective GPS tracking
- Both of these
- Neither
43. What Is Our Company’s Mission
- Outsmarting traffic, together
- Encouraging carpooling
- Promoting ride-sharing
- Take 50% of cars off the road
44. Almost ⅓ Of The Wazers You Reach On
Waze Local Live Within How Many Miles Of Your Business?
- 6
- 10
- 12
- 15
45. Zero-Speed Takeover Displays Ads When
Drivers ________?
- Check their phone
- Come to a complete stop for more than 4 seconds
- Search for a business
- Begin driving
46. If You Plan To Spend Less Than
$100/Day, Which Solution Is Most Suitable For Your Business?
- Waze Local Starter
- Waze Local Plus
- Both
- Neither
47. On Average, What Navigational Increase
Do Businesses Experience When They Advertise On Waze Local?
- 2%
- 9%
- 10%
- 20%
48. What Is The Minimum Investment
Requirement For Preferred Partners?
- $15k per month for three consecutive months
- $45k in the last three months
- Either of these
- Neither
49. What Does The Waze Dashboard Allow You
To Do?
- Manage your account settings
- Track the performance of your campaign
- View your Creatives
- All of these
50. Which Waze Offering Is A Data Exchange
Program That Offers Waze Vital Insights On Proposed Road Closures And Detours?
- Waze Carpool
- Connected Citizens Program
- Waze Local
- Waze for Brands
51. How Many Times Per Day Do Drivers Feel
They Must Use Waze In Order To Pass “The Toothbrush Test”??
- 1
- 2
- 1.5
- 0
52. In What Year Did Google Acquire Waze?
- 2005
- 2008
- 2013
- 2017
53. Wazers With 2 To 4 People In Their
Household Make Up What Percentage Of Overall Users?
- 25%
- 50%
- 60%
- 65%
54. Which Additional Ad Format Does Waze
Local Plus Offer?
- Branded Pins
- Promoted Search
- Zero-Speed Takeover
- None of these
55. What Can Advertising On Waze Local
Help Small And Medium-Sized Businesses Or National Brands Seeking Localized
Campaigns Achieve?
- Raise their profile
- Increase location awareness
- Drive in-store traffic
- All of these
56. What Do Waze Local Ads Offer That
Traditional OOH And Billboards Lack?
- Business name and logo
- Business address
- Critical targeting and measurement capabilities to reach an audience of 100% nearby drivers in real time
- Business phone number
57. What Type Of Additional Support Do
Waze Preferred Partners Receive?
- Client acquisition
- Training materials
- Dedicated Account Manager
- All of these
58. What Business Information Do Branded
Pins Provide When A User Clicks On Them?
- Business locations and store hours
- Phone number and special deals
- Store hours and phone number
- Business locations, store hours, phone numbers, and special deals.
59. How Do You Calculate An Ad’s
Click-Through Rate (CTR)?
- Ad Unit Clicks/Impressions
- Impressions/Ad Unit Clicks
- Navigations/Ad Unit Clicks
- None of these
60. What Is The Waze Key User Benefit?
- Save drivers 30 seconds per day
- Save drivers 1 minute per day
- Save drivers 2 minutes per day
- Save drivers 5 minutes per day
61. How Many People Use Waze Around The
- 20 million
- 50 million
- 75 million
- 100 million