1. On Personally Owned Android Devices Featuring Android
(5.0+) What Feature Does A “Work Profile” Provide?
- Allow IT Admins full access to your personal device and managed security settings.
- Allow IT Admins to fully wipe data on your entire device and enforce enterprise security.
- Create a company owned profile that manages all data on the device.
- Create a company managed work profile to keep all your work and personal data
2. Which Of The Following Statements Is True As It Pertains
To Device Management With Android Enterprise?
- Android Enterprise supports management modes for company-owned devices only and should be used in strict lock-down scenarios.
- Android Enterprise offers a management option for any ownership
or deployment model: from work profile, strict lock‑down devices to single‑use scenarios.
- Android Enterprise should not be used on personal devices and is recommended for company-owned devices only.
- Android Enterprise makes it easy to switch between fully managed and work profile modes without the need to re-enroll devices.
3. What Are The Four Layers Of Security
That Keep Android Devices Safe?
- A multi-layered approach from hardware, OS, management APIs and Google services such as Google Play Protect
- A multi-layered approach from Android Security Suite, management API’s, hardware and Google services such as Google Play Protect
- Anti-virus applications, network traffic monitoring tools, strict policy control and OEM security suite
- A multi-layered approach from hardware, anti-virus applications, Android Security Suite and Google services such as Google Play Protect
- Android for Work
- Android Device Admin
- Android Enterprise Recommended
- Android Device Suite
5. What Is Android Enterprise?
- A secure and comprehensive way of managing any Android device and OS version.
- Comprehensive and modern mobile OS platform providing extensive management API’s for large scale enterprises.
- A platform with a limited number of management API’s and services, providing legacy control methods.
- A modern management framework with robust enterprise APIs and secure app deployment via managed Google Play.
6. How Many Devices Does Google Play
Protect Scan Every Day?
- 1 million
- 5 million
- 1 billion
- 2 billion
7. Which Of The Following Is NOT A
Security Feature Of The Android Platform?
- Security check-up
- App isolation
- Kernel hardening
- Verified Boot
8. What Percentage Of Android Devices
Using Google Play Are Free Of Potentially Harmful Apps?
- 90%
- 99%
- 99.95%
- 95%
9. With Managed Google Play, You Can:
(Select All That Apply)
- Manage and configure apps
- Host and publish internal apps
- Distribute and purchase apps
- EMM token
- Zero-touch
- QR code
11. On Personally Owned Android Devices Running
Android (5.0+), What Features Do A “Work Profile” Provide?
- Allow IT Admins full access to your personal device and managed security settings.
- Allow IT Admins to fully wipe data on your entire device and enforce enterprise security.
- Create a company owned profile that manages all data on the device.
- Create a company managed work profile to keep all your work and personal data separate.
12. Device Admin API’s Should Be Used For
Deployments When:
- You need to deploy Android devices very quickly using Zero Touch
- Device Admin API’s should not be used going forward as they are being deprecated
- When companies require granular device management via policy inside EMM consoles
- When you require access to the Managed Play to manage and deploy apps at scale
13. On Personally Owned Android Devices
Featuring Android (5.0+) What Feature Does A “Work Profile” Provide?
- Allow IT Admins full access to your personal device and managed security settings.
- Allow IT Admins to fully wipe data on your entire device and enforce enterprise security.
- Create a company owned profile that manages all data on the device.
- Create a company managed work profile to keep all your work and personal data
14. What Feature Of The Android Platform
Protects 99.99% Of Devices From Potentially Harmful Applications?
- Android OS
- Google Play Protect
- Google Protection
- Android Virus Scan
15. ___________ Enrollment Enables Large
Scale Over The Air Bulk Android (8.0+) Deployments Across Multiple Device
Makers So Organizations Can Mobilize Their Employees With Ease And No Manual
- QR code
- Zero-touch
- EMM token
16. What Is Android Enterprise?
- A secure and comprehensive way of managing any Android device and OS version.
- Comprehensive and modern mobile OS platform providing extensive management API’s for large scale enterprises.
- A platform with a limited number of management API’s and services, providing legacy control methods.
- A modern management framework with robust enterprise APIs and secure app deployment via managed Google Play.
17. The Managed Google Play Store Allows
IT Admins To:
- Easily monitor user SMS and call logs, allow app hosting and daily security scans Manage and combine 3rd party app stores into one single source
- Whitelist apps for easy deployment, allow silent app installs and private app hosting
- Provide a company intranet where important information and documents can be hosted
18. Which Of The Following Statements Is
True Pertaining To Company-Owned, Fully Managed Device Enrollment:
- To enroll a device in a fully managed state, devices must be enrolled from a fresh out of the box state.
- Devices that have previously been through out of box setup can be enrolled over the air.
- EMM apps can be downloaded from Google Play to enroll a device in a fully managed state.
- Corporate owned fully managed devices can only be enrolled on premise by company IT.
19. Which Google Led And Validated Program
Makes It Simple For Businesses To Confidently Select, Deploy And Manage Android
Devices And Services That Meet Elevated Enterprise Requirements?
- Android for Work
- Android Device Admin
- Android Enterprise Recommended
- Android Device Suite
20. What Are The Four Layers Of Security
That Keep Android Devices Safe?
- A multi-layered approach from hardware, OS, management APIs and Google services such as Google Play Protect
- A multi-layered approach from Android Security Suite, management API’s, hardware and Google services such as Google Play Protect
- Anti-virus applications, network traffic monitoring tools, strict policy control and OEM security suite
- A multi-layered approach from hardware, anti-virus applications, Android Security Suite and Google services such as Google Play Protect
21. Which Of The Following Statements Is
True As It Pertains To Device Management With Android Enterprise?
- Android Enterprise supports management modes for company-owned devices only and should be used in strict lock-down scenarios.
- Android Enterprise offers a management option for any
ownership or deployment model: from work profile, strict lock‑down devices to single‑use scenarios.
- Android Enterprise should not be used on personal devices and is recommended for company-owned devices only.
- Android Enterprise makes it easy to switch between fully managed and work profile modes without the need to re-enroll devices.
22. What Are The Key Selling Points
Regarding Android Enterprise?
- Comprehensive and innovative mobile OS platform providing extensive management API’s, multi-layer device and app security, and a global infrastructure for secure app distribution.
- Comprehensive and innovative management with powerful security built-in and devices for every business.
- A full solution to deploy your apps securely and manage employee devices.
- A platform with a limited number of devices and services, providing ultimate control and scalability.
23. What Percentage Of Android Phones Are
Free Of Potentially Harmful Apps?
- 99%
- 99.95%
- 95%
- 90%
24. What Feature Of Android Intercepts
Malware Threats In Real Time?
- Google Protection Services
- Google Play Protect
- Google Scan
- Google Anti-Virus
25. With An Android Enterprise Work
Profile You Can:
- Allow full access to IT Admins on your personal device
- Fully protect your work data on your device
- Create a company managed “Work Only” profile that manages all data on the device
- Create a company managed “Work Only” profile to keep all personal data separate.
26. The Feature That Gives IT Control Over
Company Data While Allowing Workers To Keep Their Pictures And Apps Private Is
- Android profiles
- Zero-touch
- Work profile
- Managed Google Play
27. What Are The Key Selling Points
Regarding Android For Enterprise?
- A platform with a limited number of devices and services, providing ultimate control and scalability.
- Comprehensive and innovative management with powerful security built-in and devices for every business.
- A full solution to deploy your apps securely and manage employee devices.
- Comprehensive and innovative mobile OS platform providing extensive management API’s, multi-layer device and app security, and a global infrastructure for secure app distribution.
28. Which Deployment Option Allows For
Bulk Company Owned Devices To Be Deployed Without Individual Set-Up?
- QR code
- Zero-touch
- EMM token
29. Which Of The Following Is True For
Work Applications In The Android For Work Profile?
- They are private when you need them to be from the IT department.
- They are in 1 work folder and cannot be moved.
- They are marked by a distinct orange briefcase icon.
- They cannot be deleted or installed by the user.
30. A Managed Version Of The Google Play
Store For Your Business Allows An Organization To:
- Monitor all device activity
- Control all device activity
- Have control over app usage with an intuitive experience for all employees
- Whitelist apps for easy deployment
31. Android Platform Security Keeps Your
Devices, Data And Apps Secure Through:
- Application sandboxing, exploit mitigation and device encryption.
- Powerful antivirus applications that constantly monitor device threats.
- Forcing a new device password every 30 days.
- Giving IT admins full view into what a users active device.
32. What Percentage Of Android Phones
Using Google Play Are Free Of Potentially Harmful Apps?
- 90%
- 99%
- 99.95%
- 95%
33. What Android Feature Are Customers
Most Attracted To? (Will Not Count Towards Score)
- Shareability of devices between employees.
- Speed of boot up time and system performance.
- Simplicity of deployment and the Google Management Console.
- Security of built in virus protection, automatic updates and hardware encryption.