1. When Dynamic Display Creatives Are Published From Studio,
What Creative Type Is Set In Campaign Manager?
- Image
- HTML5 banner
- Custom Display Interstitial
- Rich Media
2. To Link A Display & Video 360
Advertiser, What Initial Step Must Be Taken In Campaign Manager?
- From Campaign Manager, go to the Google Marketing Platform apps icon and select Display & Video 360
- Contact support using live chat
- Add the Display & Video 360 partner ID to the Floodlight configuration as an association
- Create a new association in the advertiser’s properties and add the Trafficking code
3. What Cost Model Only Calculates Cost
For Impressions Measured As Viewable By Active View?
- vCPM
4. Where Are Campaign Manager And Display
& Video 360 Linked?
- Advertiser properties
- Floodlight configuration
- Admin subaccounts
- Campaign properties
5. When The Primary HTML5 Assets Get
Delayed, What Will Serve In A User’s Browser As It’s Loading?
- Default ad
- Polite load image
- Backup image
- .swf file
6. When Would A VPAID Asset Be Used?
- When a video ad contains interactive features
- When VAST is not supported
- As a backup for a VAST asset
- For videos served on mobile devices
7. For Floodlight Tags To Properly
Attribute In-App Conversions, What Needs To Happen Within The App?
- A global site tag (gtag.js) must be used
- The tag needs to be set as INS tag with mobile capacity
- The tag needs to be assigned an app ID
- Device ID needs to be passed into the dc_rdid parameter
8. What Happens When A User Meets The
Frequency Cap For An Ad?
- Another ad or a default ad is served
- The placement stops serving to that user
- Ads stop serving to that user
- Ads serve at a lower CPM
9. If An Agency Trafficker Can Only See A
Subset Of Active Campaigns Within Their Account View, Where Would A Agency
Admin Go To Adjust Access To All Campaigns?
- User profile filters
- User roles
- Google account permissions
- Subaccount access
10. Which Information Can Be Extracted
From The Data In The Verification Tab? (Select Two)
- Charts showing all of the errors related to visual performance
- Issues related to content
- Errors for the ad tag related to implementation issues
- Conversion and revenue performance
11. What Does An “Execution Channel”
Represent In The Planning Process?
- A “channel” created between an advertiser and publisher as soon as the RFP is sent
- The “link” from the inventory in a media plan to a Campaign Manager campaign where placements can be executed
- The act of sending an RFP to begin the negotiation process with the publisher
- An area to enter the user’s objectives, budget, and start and end dates
12. What Targeting Rules Display An Ad To
Users Who Have Viewed A Product, But Not Purchased It?
- Positively target all product viewers AND negatively target all product purchasers
- Positively target all product viewers AND collect purchase IDs using u-variables
- Positively target all product purchasers AND negatively target all product viewers
- Negatively target all product purchasers AND collect purchase IDs using u-variables
13. What Attribution Model Uses Floodlight
Data From Both Attributed And Non-Attributed Conversions?
- Linear model
- First Interaction model
- Data-driven model
- Time Decay model
14. In Which Two Tags Can The Keyword
Macro (%K) Be Added? (Select Two)
- Floodlight
- Tracking Ad
- Impression Event
- Placement
15. In A Path To Conversion Report, When A
User Selects To “Pivot On Interaction Path,” What Are Two Major Differences
From The Unpivoted Report? (Select Two)
- Rows and columns aren’t affected by a pivot, but can only be filtered when unpivoted
- Each conversion gets its own row with interactions in separate columns
- Rows and columns are flipped
- Each interaction gets its own row with interactions spread across rows
16. What Is Required To Track Mobile App
Conversions Using Floodlight Tags?
- A dynamic publisher pixel implemented in the Floodlight tag
- An HTML5 macro added to the Floodlight tag and ad tag, and uploaded in the SDK
- A Floodlight tag with the activities set to collect in-app variables, available in DT files
- A user-resettable device identifier passed to both Floodlight tags and the ad tags running in apps
17. Cross-Environment Conversion
Methodology Takes Into Account What Data Sources?
- Device types, OS, cookies
- Cookies, SDKs, audience data
- Data pools, cookies, audience IDs
- Resettable device IDs, cookies, anonymized Google sign-ins
18. What Data Is Provided In Video
- Video player size and viewability
- Asset and transcoding validation
- Resolution and bit rate details
- Information about ads that served on the same page
19. What Timezone Is Used In Data Transfer
(DT) Timestamps For Impression And Click Files?
- Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
- The advertiser’s timezone
- The user’s timezone
- Eastern Time (ET)
20. What Report Shows How Long It Takes
For A Customer To Convert After Interacting With An Ad?
- First Interaction
- Path to Conversion
- Path Length
- Time Lag
21. What Ad Setting Limits The Number Of
Times That Ad Can Be Shown To A Particular User?
- Priority
- Frequency cap
- Hard cut-off
- Impression ratio
22. When A Top Conversion Paths Report
Shows That Most Users Enter The Purchase Cycle With A Rich Media Interaction,
What Action Can Be Taken To Optimize The Campaign?
- Allocate more budget to building better video creatives
- Target remarketing lists for all image creatives
- Create a sequential rotation with the Rich Media creative set first
- Assign the ad’s frequency cap to one impression per day
23. When Using A Placement Media Cost Cap,
What Will Happen Once The Cap Is Reached?
- Campaign Manager will stop calculating and reporting Media Cost for the Placement moving forward
- The placement will be paused until the cap is removed
- Reports will not reflect the impressions and click metrics
- Ad-serving fees won’t be charged
24. What Feature Can Be Used To Combine
Log-Level Impression And Click Data For A Custom Reach Analysis?
- Data Transfer
- Line item filtering in Studio
- Attribution conversion segments
- GRP Insights
25. Which Functionalities Are Available To
Manage Conversion Data Using The API? (Select Two)
- Delete
- Insert
- Update
- Run
26. At What Level Can Landing Pages Be
Managed Across Campaigns?
- Advertiser
- Ad
- Creative
- Placement
27. When A “Plan” Is Executed In Planning,
What Information Is Pushed To Campaign Manager?
- A list of placements you intend to purchase and the publishers you’re buying inventory from
- A dynamic feed that can be quickly implemented into Studio
- TrueView placements for running on YouTube properties
- A list of creative specifications for implementing the deals in Display & Video 360
28. When Is An Impression Counted In
- As soon as a creative is requested from the publisher
- After a user’s device indicates that the creative download has begun
- After the creative is served and viewed on the site
- After the browser begins loading the webpage
29. What Action Must Occur For A Team
Member To Get Access To Data Transfer Files In Google Cloud Storage?
- Set up an automated email for the team member to receive daily reports
- Add the team member’s email to the Google Group associated with the Cloud Storage bucket
- Associate the team member with a User Profile designated for Google Cloud access
- Run the script: gs://[bucket_name]/[username]
30. What Account Structure Should Be Used
To Share Floodlight Tags And Audience Lists Between Multiple Advertisers?
- Shared billing profiles
- An account/advertiser relationship
- A single Floodlight activity
- A parent/child relationship
31. In The Insights Tab In Reporting,
Which Two Cards Show A Snapshot Of Performance? (Select Two)
- Paid Search Ad
- Creative Type
- Video Player Size
- Device Usage
32. Which Metric Is NOT Available In Data
- % Invalid Clicks
- Cross-environment conversions
- Designated Market Area (DMA) ID
- Active View: % of Completed Impressions Visible
33. Where Would Purchased Inventory For A
Campaign Be Entered In Campaign Manager?
- Placements
- Landing pages
- Campaigns
- Floodlight tags
34. What Is The Limit To Retrieve Log Data
From A Data Transfer Google Bucket?
- 1 year
- 30 days
- 60 days
- Unlimited
35. Which Three Workflows Can Be Used To
Make Bulk Edits? (Select Three)
- The DCM/DFA Reporting and Trafficking API
- The Campaign Manager filtered view
- Campaign spreadsheet upload
- The Edit Multiple button
36. What Floodlight Conversion Counting
Method Would Report The First Visit For Each User Within A Given Day?
- Standard
- Unique
- Per session
- Transactions
37. What Report Tracks Floodlight
Attribution In Reporting?
- Cookie Reach Overlap
- Insights
- Floodlight impressions
- Path to Conversion
38. Unless Default Ads Are Disabled, What
Campaign Trafficking Action Triggers The Automatic Creation Of A Default Ad For
Display Placements?
- Adding an image creative at the campaign level
- Adding an HTML5 creative at the campaign level
- Adding a rich media creative at the campaign level
- Adding an image creative at the advertiser level
39. What HTML Elements Of A Floodlight
Tag’s IFrame Code Identify The Unique Activity?
- u1 and “fls”
- 1×1 and “ord”
- “src” and 1×1
- “type” and “cat”
40. Which Two Methods Count Impressions On
Site-Served Creatives? (Select Two)
- Tracking Ads
- Mobile tracking ad
- Click tracker ad
- 1×1 impression tracker
41. Where In Campaign Manager Can The Site
ID(S) Required To Push Placements To Display & Video 360 Be Found?
- Next to its associated site name within a Campaign
- In the advertiser’s properties, under Landing Pages
- In Campaign Manager Account Admin settings
- In Site Directory under Properties
42. What Are Two Benefits Of Using The INS
Tag? (Select Two)
- Eliminates the need for publishers to add cache-busters
- Reduces load latency
- More robust Verification data
- Serves ads on browsers that don’t support Javascript
43. What Report In Report Builder Shows
The Number Of Unique Users Who Have Interacted With Ads?
- Path to Conversion
- Cookie Reach Overlap
- Standard
44. Paid Search Dimensions In Report
Builder Are Compatible With What Metric?
- Paid Search Revenue
- Active View
- Downloaded impressions
- Cost Per Click
45. What Is The More Cost-Effective Way To
Restrict Ads Served To A Specific Geographic Region?
- Geo-targeting managed by the ad server
- Language targeting managed by the ad server
- Geo-targeting managed by a publisher or DSP
- Frequency caps managed the publisher or DSP
46. What Are Three Benefits Of Using
Internal Redirect Tags? (Select Three)
- Standardize a counting method with platform publishers
- Reduce latency on ad-serving
- Richer domain information in Verification
- Saves time from having to negotiate deals with the publisher
47. What Settings Are Required To Give A
User Reporting Access For A Single Advertiser?
- Create a user role, and assign the advertiser as the sub-account.
- Schedule a report to be sent to the user, automatically granting them access to that data
- Create a user profile with a reporting-only user role, and filter for that advertiser
- Ask the advertiser to send an email to support, granting access to their reporting data
48. Which Two Tabs In Reporting Provide
Access To Viewability Data? (Select Two)
- Report Builder
- Verification
- Attribution
- Summary
49. To Set Ad Status To “Active,” Which
Two Objects Must Be Assigned To An Ad?
- A priority
- A frequency cap
- An active creative
- A placement
50. What Section Within A Floodlight
Activity’s Settings Allows Users To Add Publisher Tracking Tags?
- Dynamic tags
- Google Tag Manager
- Advanced properties
- Custom Floodlight variables
51. What Floodlight Feature Can Be Used To
Create A Custom Audience List That Targets Customers Who Purchased A Specific
Product Or Service?
- Dynamic Floodlight tag that sources product or service IDs
- Sales Floodlight tags that capture revenue
- Custom 1×1 pixel that fires when the product or service page loads
- Custom Floodlight variable that captures the product or service ID
52. What Counting Method Tracks The Number
Of Sales Made Or Items Purchased?
- Sales activities
- Custom Floodlight variables
- Counter activities
- Standard counting
Admin, Agency Trafficker, And Site Trafficker Are Examples Of What?
- User profiles
- User roles
- Content categories
- Placement strategies
54. What Level Is Used To Calculate
Conversions If The Lookback Window Differs Between Objects?
- Placement level
- Account level
- Campaign level
- Site level
55. If A Publisher Serves A Placement Tag After
The Campaign End Date, What Ad Will Serve?
- The default ad
- Nothing will serve
- A random ad
- The backup image
56. At What Level Can Landing Pages Be
Set, So They Are The Same Across Multiple Ads?
- Creative
- Placement
- Account
- Ad
57. What Ad Setting Ensures A Qualified
User Will Always Be Served A City-Targeted Ad First Over A Country-Targeted Ad
When Both Ads Are Assigned To The Same Placement?
- Keyword targeting
- Frequency cap
- Dynamic targeting keys
- Priority
58. What Must A Floodlight Tag Include To
Capture Product Data Alongside A Conversion?
- An ord value
- 1×1 tracking pixel
- Custom Floodlight variable
- Dynamic pixels
59. What Action Can Be Taken To Select
Which Columns Appear In The Trafficking Interface?
- Create a new user role
- Create a custom view
- Create a new user profile
- Create a filter
60. When Assets Are Added To An Existing
Creative, Where Will These Updates Be Reflected?
- In the creative preview, but not in currently assigned ads
- Updates appear as a new creative
- Within the ads where the creatives are assigned
- In future ad creative assignments, but not within existing ads
61. What Are Two Video Verification
Metrics? (Select Two)
- Video Prominence Score
- Audio muted at finish
- Eligible impressions for audio
- Audio muted at start
62. The Insights Tab In Reporting Shows
The View Performance Against Which Three Goals? (Select Three)
- Viewable CPM
- Click rate
- Conversions per impression
- Cost per activity (CPA)
63. Counters And Total Interactions
Metrics Are Available For Which Type Of Creatives?
- Mobile in-app interstials
- Twitter creatives
- HTML5 creatives coded in GWD
- Creatives built in Studio
64. Which Two Features May Be Used To Log
Additional Information About A Click? (Select Two)
- Dynamic targeting keys
- Landing page URL suffix
- Image source tags
- Event tags
65. Which Two Methods Measure Impressions
Served In A Mobile App? (Select Two)
- 1×1 impression tracker
- Mobile tracking ad
- Serving mobile creative directly through Campaign Manager
- Click tracker ad
66. Audience Lists Created In Campaign
Manager Can Be Automatically Shared With Which Linked Applications? (Select
- Search Ads 360
- Studio
- Google Ads
- Display & Video 360
67. What Object In Campaign Manager Is
Equivalent To A Creative In Display & Video 360?
- Placement
- Campaign
- Ad
- Creative
68. Which Conditions Must Be True In Order
To Designate An Advertiser As A “Child”?
- The advertiser doesn’t have any “child” advertisers associated with it
- The advertiser is part of a subaccount
- There aren’t any Floodlight activities associated with the “child” advertiser
- There aren’t any campaigns associated with the “parent” advertiser
69. The “DCM/DFA Trafficking And Reporting
API” Can Directly Accomplish Which Two Tasks? (Select Two)
- Customize reporting
- Upload conversions
- Download data transfer log files
- Customize verification alerts